Ron's Corner: 5 Goals to Enhance Your Career Expedition in 2023

EXP Board Member and EXP Alumni and Young Adult Committee Chair Ron Roberts, Jr., is a self-labeled “Career & College Planning Partner.” Ron draws on over 16 years as a college career advisor, corporate recruiter, and youth non-profit consultant. Check out his website, Career Intelligence for Young Leaders, and connect with him on LinkedIn.

Happy New Year! I hope the year has started well for you. As you continue your career journey into 2023, I am sharing 5 suggested goals to help you get off to a great start and to sustain success throughout the year.

Goal #1: Explore Your Strengths and Interests

I strongly encourage you to assess your career interests and the strengths you can bring to a work environment. Figuring out the careers that mesh well with your personal interests is a significant first step to landing a fulfilling job, and understanding your strengths will help you bring considerable value to future employers. Consider taking one or more career assessments through your college career center whether you are a student or a recent graduate.

Goal #2: Expedite Your Career Readiness by Maximizing Your Available Resources

If you are in college, your #1 career resource should be your career center. This resource can help you with everything, from choosing a major, developing your resume, and preparing for interviews, to negotiating job offers. You should also leverage your professors’ industry knowledge and contacts and connections with your university alums. There are also plenty of online career resources such as Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and The Muse.

Goal #3: Expose Yourself to Career and Company Insights Through Informational Interviews

One of the most underrated and effective ways to learn about potential career paths and employers is through career conversations with industry professionals. The informational interview is simply a 15-30 minute conversation with someone in a career or company of interest to you. These conversations can provide you deep insight and, if done well, can help grow your professional network. Learn more by viewing “A Complete Guide to Informational Interviews.”

Goal #4: Expand Your Professional Presence Through LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an online professional platform that allows you to network with thousands of industry professionals, search for employment opportunities, and showcase your professional value. LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for your career readiness and advancement if you use it strategically and often. Make it your goal to have a LinkedIn account, and to be active in networking with professionals, reading and forwarding useful content, and even sharing your own content such as academic/career updates, accomplishments, your expertise, and othe resources. Learn more from “20 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile in 2023.”

Goal #5: Experience the Power of a Career Support Team

You should never travel your career journey alone. There may be plenty of obstacles along your road, and you will need help from others to avoid potholes and recover from the ones you hit. I recommend building a career support team of trusted friends, family members, professors, career advisors, and industry professionals. You want to stack your team with people who have your best career interest at heart – people who will guide you, share resources with you, cheer you on, give you constructive feedback, and who will be around to pick you up when you stumble. Last, but certainly not least, tap the support of your EXP family – staff, board members, and fellow alums. We are here for you and want to see you succeed in school, career, and life.

Have an amazing 2023!