Our New Virtual Reality

A message from CEO Amy Grat

This week of transitioning EXP to remote operations challenged us to create new ways of working together and leveraging technology to keep us productive. Luckily, I figured out the video “off” button before l launched my very first Zoom meeting from home. Now if only my dogs would stop barking at the precise moment when I unmute the speaker. 

On behalf of all of us at EXP, I hope you are all doing as well as possible under the current circumstances. Your health and safety, and that of your families and colleagues, are very important to us.

I am writing you today to keep you up to date on the “state of EXP.”

In this time of high anxiety and whip-snapping change, thanks to continuing support from people like you who are part of our EXP Family – we are working hard to continue to provide our career-education workshops and services to high school youth through online video, teleconferencing and other Web-based approaches.

Last week we made the difficult decision to postpone our 20th Annual Oceans of Opportunity Celebration until June 2nd. Our hope is that we will still be able to celebrate with our scholarship winners and honorees; however, we are also monitoring CDC recommendations closely. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

Due to widespread school closures and uncertain return times, EXP’s face-to-face programming is on pause. We have canceled the April 7th Mock Interview Day (our deepest thanks to the 75 individuals who volunteered their time and talents to help our students prepare for their internships!). 

Regardless, we are still preparing students and recruiting hosts for the 2020 summer internship program, with the recognition that the situation is evolving and changes may occur. 

In fact, as of today we have 261 juniors who have enthusiastically participated in all five workshops, submitted their resumes and cover letters for review, and are now following up to request letters of recommendation! On our part, EXP is adapting our curriculum to deliver content remotely, and we are exploring new collaborations with our education and industry partners to offer our programming in new ways. We tell our students that growth only happens when they get out of their comfort zone. This current crisis has definitely given EXP the opportunity to grow and innovate.

Please join us in keeping the faith for the future of today’s students. The COVID-19 pandemic will eventually pass, and our students will still need our resources and services. We will continue to need internship employers and sponsors, industry coaches, job shadow hosts, guest speakers, advisory board members – so get ready to dust off your business clothes when the kids come back to school. If you’d like to contribute immediate support to help us ensure brighter futures for the student we serve, make your donation today.

Until then, stay safe. Stay positive. We’ve got this, together.

P.S. With the current public health mandates in place, our staff are now working from the safe spaces of their home. We continue to be reachable via email, cell phone, and yes, Zoom conferencing.